iProcrastinate Podcast
Why we procrastinate and what we can do about it.
Personality and Procrastination Part 1:

In this podcast, we focus on what many personality psychologists consider to be the fundamental traits. Using the metaphor of the primary colours, we consider the "primary colours" of personality and briefly define the "Big Five Model" of personality. We will expand on this to relate these traits to procrastination in the next podcast.

Direct download: PRG_podcast_002_2006_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:26pm EDT

Introducing iProcrastinate Podcasts - What is procrastination?

This was my first podcast back in January of 2006. The original recording was poorly done, but thanks to a generous listener, it has been greatly improved. Thanks Lucas! In this podcast, I introduce the purpose of the podcasts and spend time discussing the definition of procrastination. This discussion is not just theoretical, and you'll find insights into why we procrastinate.

Direct download: PRG_podcast_001_2006_edit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:09pm EDT