iProcrastinate Podcast
Why we procrastinate and what we can do about it.
Thoughts on goal pursuit from Viktor Frankl In his autobiography published (in German) in March of 1995 to coincide with his 90th birthday, Dr. Viktor Frankl reflected on the "Manner of my Work." His reflections are simple and clear, speaking directly to two habits that defeat procrastination. His advice is the focus of this week's podcast.

The image of Dr. Frankl that appears in this podcast was taken from the Official Web site of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna. If you're interested in Frankl's well-known book, "Man's Search for Meaning" you can find it Amazon (and just about any used book store)

If you want to learn more about procrastination, see my Procrastination Research Group. I welcome your comments at tpychyl@gmail.com. If you have a minute, please review the podcast on iTunes.
Direct download: Frankl_on_the_Manner_of_my_Work.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:06pm EDT

Tackling Procrastination: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy While we all desire to reach or release our full potential, we often face deep internal struggles with perfectionism, excessive self-doubt, lack of persistence, self-depreciation and procrastination. This week, I discuss a REBT therapy approach that you may find useful.

If you want to access the references to the research I discuss, see my Psychology Today blog on the topic.

Want to know more about procrastination? Check out procrastination.ca

Finally, if you listen to this podcast and get interested in Lance Mackey, the world's foremost long-distance dog musher, you can listen to a Traildancer Kennels' Trail Talk podcast of his recent presentation. And, you can learn more about my own "other life" as a dog musher.
Direct download: Tackling_procrastination_-_Rational_Emotive_Behavior_Therapy.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:48pm EDT

Go with the flow: Why procrastination undermines these optimal experiences Procrastinators rarely engage in their lives in a way that creates the experience of "flow." They're rarely "in the zone" or "find their groove." What's flow? Why are the optimal conditions for flow just the opposite of what promotes task delay? In this episode, I discuss flow and some recent research that addresses these questions.

For more information about this research and the concept of flow, see my Psychology Today blog posting.

You can learn more about procrastination at procrastination.ca.

Direct download: Flow.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

Self-awareness: The good, the bad and the ugly This week I discuss three things. First, I address the notion of "intention updates" and the difference between changing our intentions and procrastination. Second, I read listeners' comments and reply to their questions. Finally, the topic for this week is how self-conscious awareness works both to strengthen and undermine self-regulation. There are different types of self-awareness, and we live with the internal dialogue that these can create.
Direct download: How_self-consciousness_can_undermine_us.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:34am EDT