iProcrastinate Podcast
Why we procrastinate and what we can do about it.
To-Do Lists: The Power and Peril of a Plan

Advantages, disadvantages and "best practices" for to-do lists. I use one constantly. It's not a cure-all for procrastination or for making goal pursuit more successful, but this simple tool is worth talking about. It's worth trying if you haven't really embraced the power of a plan.

Want to learn more? Check out procrastination.ca

Like the closing song? Me too. It's by Singer, Songwriter Matt Weidinger - check him out at mattweidinger.com

Direct download: To_Do_Lists.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EDT

Fine-tuning an Implementation Intention

Learn why making implementation intentions within specific events is more effective. Incredible, but true, I've finally returned to the microphone. In this episode, I explain how I beat my own potential procrastination today and got this podcast recorded and posted. I also present an answer to a listener's question about goal commitment. Spur me on to do more soon by emailing your feedback to tpychyl@gmail.com.

Want to learn more? Check out procrastination.ca

Like the closing song? Me too. It's by Singer, Songwriter Matt Weidinger - check him out at mattweidinger.com

Direct download: Better_Intentions.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EDT

A Procrastination Workshop

Here's an interview with Jeffrey Robinson from Student Learning Serrvices at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Jeffrey provides thoughtful reflections on how he helps students develop their own sense of agency and reduce procrastination. We discuss so much that will interest anyone who struggles with procrastination; it's certainly not limited to a campus setting or the workshops that Jeffrey offers. 

Are you new to this podcast? Check out procrastination.ca

The podcast ends with the song "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger.

Direct download: Campus_Procrastination_Workshops.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm EDT

Need a Lift? Don't we all?

"Build better habits. Change your life" - This is the motto on the homepage for Lift. Lift is a new tool (online and as an app) that helps you to develop new habits and to achieve your goals. In this podcast, I interview the CEO and co-founder of Lift, Tony Stubblebine.

New to the podcast? Learn more about procrastination at procrastination.ca

The podcast closes with a song entitled "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger. Check out this musician (call it procrastination ;-)

Direct download: Lift.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EDT

Q&A Procrastination & Happiness

Dr. Pychyl is interviewed by podcaster and blogger, Evan Brand of notjustpaleo.com. Evan reaches out to health experts, entrepeneurs and doctors about health and wellness. Today, we discuss procrastination, goal pursuit and their relation to happiness.

New to the podcast? Check out procrastination.ca

I close the podcast with a song entitled, "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger. Check him out!

Direct download: Q__A_about_procrastination.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EDT

A Graduate Student beats her Procrastination Challenge

Anxiety, inertia, boredom . . . a graduate student provides insight into her challenges and her successful strategies for staying focused and getting her work done. This is an engaging interview with a graduate student who explains how she manages her own liabilities while harnessing her motivation to succeed. My comments highlight how research and theory support this very good approach to self-regulation.

If you're new to the podcast, check out procrastination.ca for more information about our research group.

I close the podcast with a song entitled "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger

Direct download: A_students_strategies.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm EDT

Self-Compassion, Stress and Procrastination

An interview with Dr. Fuschia Sirois about how self-compassion plays a role in the relation between procrastination and stress. Self-compassion involves taking a kind, compassionate and accepting stance towards oneself in instances of suffering due to forces beyond one's control as well as when suffering is due to personal failings.

Dr. Sirois' latest research has shown that measures of procrastination are negatively related to self-compassion. In other words, procrastinators are less self-compassionate. Most importantly, this research suggests that lower levels of self-compassion may explain some of the stress experienced by procrastinators - stress that has been shown to increase illness and decrease well-being. Her research also suggests that interventions that promote self-compassion could be very helpful. In this podcast, Dr. Sirois explains her research and interprets these findings for us.

If you want to learn more about procrastination, visit procrastination.ca 

I close the podcast with a song entitled "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger

Direct download: Self-Compassion.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:10pm EDT

20 Tips to Reduce Procrastination

Let's start the new year right with 20 tips to help us reduce procrastination. In this interview with Angela Baker (Massey University, New Zealand), we walk through a list together discussing these 20 key strategies. Angela comments on each in relation to some of her work as a counselor, and I discuss many in relation to research. It was a delightful interview that crossed the world (a Wednesday afternoon for me and Thursday morning for Angela!). I think that this will be a podcast that you might listen to more than once if you're struggling with procrastination, particularly academic procrastination. These strategies can make a difference.

If you want to learn more about procrastination, visit procrastination.ca or The Procrastinator's Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastination Puzzle.

I close the podcast with a song entitled "Procrastination" by Matt Weidinger

Direct download: 20_Tips.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:18pm EDT